Writings of Nichiren Shōnin eBook Edition
Writings of Nichiren Shōnin eBook Edition
All 7 Volumes in 1 eBook Edition
From the late 1990’s to 2014, Rev. Kyōtsū Hori organized several dozen Nichiren Shū priests in a project, sponsored by the Nichiren Shū Overseas Propagation Promotion Association (NOPPA), to translate all seven volumes of the Nichiren Shōnin Zenshū, Complete Writings of Nichiren Shonin, from Japanese into English. These writings are part of a much larger collection, the Shōwa Teihon Nichiren Shōnin Ibun, Writings of Nichiren Shōnin Standardized in the Shōwa Era, in that they are those believed to be those of Nichiren Shōnin, rather than other writings attributed to him.
This electronic version is the first to include all seven volumes in one compilation. It allows readers to search across the entire body of Nichiren Shōnin’s authenticated writings, and includes links from terms in the writings to explanations into a single glossary consolidated from the glossaries Rev. Hori and his team created for each volume.
While this compilation contains Nichiren Shōnin’s five major writings, we hope that having all of his writings in one place encourages readers to explore less well known efforts by the founder of Nichiren Shū to encourage the faith of those who followed him and show his gratitude for their support throughout his difficult life.
More importantly, we hope that these letters and essays from Nichiren Shōnin’s life lead those of us who live in our modern world to appreciate and draw inspiration from his dedication to making this world better for all beings. Nichiren Shōnin described himself many times as an “ordinary man” and knew that any of us can work to scatter delusion, and bring the light of the Wonderful Dharma of the Lotus Sutra.